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Our Wisconsin Revolution is about making Wisconsin a true democracy — with a government & economy that are of, by and for the people.

Shake up the system. Challenge the establishment. Stand for progressive principles. Work for fundamental change. Fight for the working class. Join us.

Our Wisconsin Revolution is a homegrown movement started here in our state by people living here. OWR’s formation was inspired by Bernie Sanders’ run for president in 2016 and his call for a political revolution, and is part of a national movement. Our name connects us to that national movement of people all over the country supporting a new generation of progressive leaders and empowering millions to fight for progressive change and transforming our political and economic systems to once again be responsive to the needs of working families.

Our Wisconsin Revolution is about countering money power with people power. It’s about revolutionizing our politics by mobilizing the power of organized people against the reckless abuse of power by rich elites. We’re sick of what’s happening in this country and this state, where public life has been coarsened and corrupted by a swarm of greedy, rules-rigging, billionaire takers. We believe our state and nation can be set right by organized citizen action. Our goal is to do everything we can to make Wisconsin a democracy—with a government and an economy that are of, by, and for the people.



William Walter

Executive Director

Having been elected as a Bernie Sanders National Delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention, William understands the necessity of an immediate and full-scale progressive revolution. While still in its infancy, the progressive movement is here and it’s growing quickly. Our Wisconsin Revolution will be the bridge between passion, ideas, and action, sitting at the forefront of this movement as we help turn passion into knowledge, knowledge into action, and action into change.

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Nolan Anderson

Communications Director

Nolan Anderson graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2024 with a double- major in Political Science and Sociology. He, like many other young people his age, was politically activated by Bernie Sanders and his two runs for president. During his time in college, Nolan knocked on doors for the 2023 Wisconsin Supreme Court race and interned in the Wisconsin State Assembly. He is particularly passionate about the labor movement, healthcare, and housing. Nolan is driven to grow the organization’s reach and capacity in any way he can.

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Andrew Meindl

Eric Wilson

Khadija Islam

Amy Thomas

Andre Walton

Mary Schneider
1st CD Representative

2nd CD Representative

Joni Anderson
3rd CD Representative

Jeff Perzan
4th CD Representative, Treasurer

Adam Kassulke
5th CD Representative

6th CD Representative

7th CD Representative

Tom Nelson
8th CD Representative

You can read Our Wisconsin Revolution's Standards of Conduct here.

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